Welcome . . .
. . . to trudyswann.com the home of a professional and friendly approach to dog training and behaviour consultations in Cornwall and the South West of England.
Our training is renowed for its kind and effective methods and quick progression made by dogs. Please take a look around our website to find out more.
New Training Courses Recruiting Now - Immediate Starts Available
We are currently recruiting to the following classes in the Camborne / Redruth / St Agnes and Falmouth / Penryn area for classes with immediate starts. It is advisable to book as soon as possible as places are limited and fill quickly:
- Puppy Socialisation Classes - Pups aged from 2nd vaccination to 5 months old (i.e. who are ready to meet the outside world)
- Puppy Foundation Agility - Young Dogs aged 4 months - 15 months old
- Dog Obedience Classes - for dogs who require basic training who missed out on the essentials as a puppy, or who need assistance to get back on track!
- Agility for Beginners - Adult dogs aged 12 months and over
Please contact us to register your interest or put your dogs name on our waiting list. To find out more about agility classes click our Agility button or visit our dedicated agility website www.baddogz.com.
Training Methods
We understand how important your dog is to you and your family and for that reason all of our training is reward-based using only positive training aids such as toys, treats and praise from YOU...the best person in your dog's life!
Thankfully, gone are the days where dog owners need to resort to shouting and using choke chains, rattle bottles and physical punishment to MAKE their dog do what they say (although you may still find some traditional dog trainers will try and convince you otherwise!)
Josh, Troy and Oscar relaxing and enjoying themselves - see their smiles!
Our training approach is based upon a complete understanding of your dog - how they have evolved, the way they learn and what motivates them to do what they choose to do. There are no gimmicks or quick fixes but after training with us you will find that your communication and understanding of your dog improves considerably.
This enables you to have a dog who WANTS to do as you ask because they love and trust you and enjoy being in your company.
Qualifications & Experience
You want to trust the behaviour and training advice you are being given is accurate, appropriate to your needs and based on proven evidence. Therefore, your ideal trainer is someone who has educational qualifications relating to dog behaviour in addition to many years of practical experience with dogs.
Trudy has a BSc (Hons) Psychology and a post-graduate qualification in Companion Animal Behaviour Counselling from Southampton University (PGDipCABC), which is one of the most highly recognised academic qualifications in this field across the world.
If you are seeking training advice from anywhere, we strongly suggest you check their training qualifications and experience. Many people will try and "pass" themselves off as experienced trainers without appropriate training, as the field of dog training, agility instruction and behavioural support remains an unregulated field.
In addition to being a Grade 7 advanced agility handler (the highest level attainable) Trudy has 14 years experience training and competing with dogs in agility and currently competes with four of her dogs: Merlin a sheltie, Troy a border collie, Robbie a working sheepdog and Jake a sheltie, and has recently started training her two new rescue additions - Marley, a crossbreed and Ralph, a black and white collie.
Trudy is proud of all her dogs for their achievements . . .
- Jake for winning into Grade 4 in August 2013
- Robbie for winning into Grade 6 in April 2010
- Merlin for qualifying for the Medium Team Agility Semi-Final at Crufts 2010
- Merlin for winning the Medium Team Agility Final at Crufts 2009
- Merlin for winning a reserve Championship Agility Ticket in July 2008
- Troy for winning into grade 6 in March 2008
- Robbie for winning into grade 5 in May 2008
- Josh for winning into grade 5 in August 2008
- Merlin for winning the Agility Eye award for the best overall grade 6 medium dog in the South West & Wales region for 2007 and the best overall grade 7 medium dog in the South West & Wales region for 2008
- Jed for winning into Senior and Advanced in 2002
- Jed for winning into Novice in 2000
Jed (Trudy's first agility dog) proudly showing off a selection of his trophies and rosettes in 2007
Click to find out more about our services: behaviour consultations, rehabilitation training, agility and obedience training and puppy classes.
Or for further information please Contact Us.